Book A Parents Meeting Appointment
We are happy to notify you that we will be holding a parent’s meeting in April for KS4 and May for KS3 this academic year. We would be delighted to see all the parents.
Parent’s meeting is an opportunity for parents to meet all their child’s teachers and discuss their progress. Please note, while the school will be closed for regular classes, it is required for parents to bring their child to the appointment. This ensures a comprehensive discussion about the student’s progress.
This year, the parents’ meetings will be held on the following dates:
KS4: Year 10 & Year 11
- Date: 24/04/2024
- Time: Between 11.20am – 4.00pm
- Special Note: If you have a child in KS3 and KS4, attend KS4 date, book a slot per child.
KS3: Year 7, Year 8, Year 9
- Date: 01/05/2024
- Time: Between 11.20am – 4.00pm
To allow us to manage the available time and to see all the parents/guardians, we are using a booking system. Please select a date/time slot to book your appointment through the booking system below.
Please note the appointment may take more than 30 minutes.
Please book a maximum of one slot per child.